
Did you know that we accept furs that are in good condition to sell on a consignment basis? Perhaps you have an old fur that you have inherited, or maybe you are moving to a warmer climate and have decided that you are not interested in trading it in for a new fur or restyling it into something you can wear… regardless of your reason, we can help you sell your fur and convert it into cash!

The process is easy—you don’t even need an appointment! Bring your fur to either of our locations where it will be inspected by our expert furriers, who will assign it an approximate actual cash value for resale purposes, based on a variety of factors (the approximate age of the garment, type of fur, style, etc). If you decide to proceed, all consignment furs must be cleaned first before they can be sold with us.

Once your garment is sold and paid in full, you will receive payment for the agreed upon percentage of the sale.